domestic water charges system has been discontinued – see ‘Suspension and repeal of water charges’ above.
If you have a meter, your bill is either based on your metered usage or fixed at a capped level, whichever is lower. See below for details of metered and capped rates.
There is no charge for children aged under 18 – their usage is covered by a free allowance.
The minimum charge for unoccupied dwellings is €62.50 per service per year – a total of €125 for a house using both public water supply and public wastewater services. This charge is capped at €260 per year for a house using both services, and €130 for houses using a single service.
The default rate for people who do not register is €260 per year – see ‘If you haven’t registered’ above for details.
If you do not pay within 12 months of the demand for payment or have not entered into a payment plan with Irish Water, or have not complied with a payment plan, there will be a late payment fee of €30 a year for a single-adult household and €60 a year for a household with two or more adults. If you only have one water service, the late payment fee is halved.
An additional €30 or €60 will be added on every anniversary of the original add-on date while the bill remains unpaid or a payment plan has not been entered into with Irish Water. This provision applies to all annual amounts that remain unpaid or where a payment plan has not been entered into.
Any customers who have unpaid water charges can be pursued through the Courts by Irish Water for the sums due and a judgment may be obtained against the customer for the amount due.
Metered rates
If your household uses the public water supply and the public wastewater service, the metered rate is €3.70 per 1,000 litres – 1 cubic metre. If your household only uses 1 public water service - supply or wastewater services, the rate is €1.85 per 1,000 litres.
If you use less water than the capped levels below, you will be billed for the lower metered usage. If your meter is installed after 1 January 2015, and your usage during your first full year with a meter is lower than the relevant capped rate, Irish Water will provide a rebate of the difference between the charges paid during the unmetered period and the charges that would have been paid under metered usage.
Capped rates
The capped rates are based on usage of just over 43,000 litres per year for a single-adult household and just over 70,000 litres per year for a multi-adult household.
For both services: The maximum rate of domestic water charges for a single-adult household is €160 per year or €40 per quarter for a household that uses both water supply and wastewater services. The maximum rate for a multi-adult household is €260 per year or €65 per quarter.
The table below shows the capped charges for a sample of household types using both water services, including the maximum amount of the quarterly bills for each of these sample households, starting from April 2015.